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Introducing XploreNinja, a navigation app powered by BlindSquare for Android devices

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In today’s fast-paced world, technology has become an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we communicate, work, and navigate our surroundings. For individuals with vision loss, technology has opened up new possibilities and opportunities, empowering them to explore the world independently. One such groundbreaking innovation is XploreNinja – BlindSquare’s latest app release – a remarkable mapping system designed to support blind Android device users navigate safely and confidently; a new way to experience the world.

Introducing XploreNinja, Powered by BlindSquare:

  • What is XploreNinja?
    The XploreNinja Android app is a totally new platform, first released in January 2023, providing the BlindSquare developers access to new powers and flexible integrations. Available first for Android devices, an iOS version is planned and will be released as feature layers increase.
  • What XploreNinja is not.
    While powered by BlindSquare’s development team and using BlindSquare customized datasets (whether publicly sourced or custom developed) it is not BlindSquare for Android as features and functionality vary.
  • What is BlindSquare (iOS) working on now?
    Development of new features and expanding datasets continues with BlindSquare (iOS) as the flagship product.
  • Datasets and special features.
    The XploreNinja app leverages customized datasets created for BlindSquare (iOS) serving geographies where public data is either poor or not currently available.  Examples of these datasets include parks (urban/rural), college/university campus sites, transit services, public pedestrian malls, and more.

    The XploreNinja app, in a park setting as an example, can provide automatic (or optional) tracking via audible prompts from point A to B (such as from the parking lot, to a park bench by the pond, to the nearest facilities).

    BlindSquare’s Enterprise Products includes a service known as CLS (Customized Location Services), a dataset of points of interest both indoors and outdoors for blind users, which is maintained and authorized using a map interface (such as OpenStreetMaps, Google Maps, Google Satellite View, Google Street view) or field-collected or client supplied data.The XploreNinja app unlocks access to this data on Android devices.

    Example use cases and press coverage,  including Parks, Transportation, Pedestrian Malls and more

BlindSquare’s new app, XploreNinja, represents a significant milestone in the field of assistive technology. By combining advanced mapping capabilities, continuous optimizations, and a user-centric design, the Xplore Ninja app empowers blind individuals to navigate their environments more safely, confidently, and independently. As technology continues to evolve, apps like XploreNinja serve as an example of how innovation can break barriers and create opportunities for individuals with vision loss. Through innovations like the XploreNinja app, BlindSquare is driving inclusivity and accessibility, enabling individuals with vision loss to embrace their surroundings and live life on their terms.

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