Continue reading BlindSquare’s getting straight A’s on campus

BlindSquare’s getting straight A’s on campus

School’s in session and the campus is all abuzz for students around the world. Finding your classrooms can be a daunting experience, but for a blind student, far more so. Luckily, universities and colleges are installing BlindSquare systems throughout campus to reduce navigational challenges for blind students to use through their iOS devices.
Read more BlindSquare’s getting straight A’s on campus
Continue reading Independence on both sides of the door

Independence on both sides of the door

In a bustling world, we rely so heavily on technology to entertain us, keep us connected and ultimately, keep us safe. 3.8 billion people currently own a smartphone worldwide, and that number is continuing to climb rapidly. In the US, approximately two-thirds of smartphone owners rely on navigational apps to get them from Point A to B.
Read more Independence on both sides of the door
Continue reading Why making your apps accessible is just the right thing to do

Why making your apps accessible is just the right thing to do

I’m Ilkka Pirttimaa, developer of an iOS app called BlindSquare. Uniquely it uses Open Street Map and Foursquare data to help people who are blind to navigate in new and familiar environments and provide them with a world of choices, otherwise veiled.
Read more Why making your apps accessible is just the right thing to do